Short and Sweet
This post will be short and sweet. Three things:
1.) I have a new version of "Inappropriate Sister" for my summer class. She will be named "Stinky Girl," or SG for short. A smoker, so we've got that particular aroma goin' on and then? Her anti-perspirant is clearly failing her. Or maybe she doesn't wear any. Whatever. She needs to.
2.) I knew that when I put the word, "sex" in the title of my blog, I might attract all sorts of, um, interesting types. But the prize for "interesting types" goes to someone who found my blog earlier this week by Googling, "Lady has sex with rabbits." Seriously? WTF.
3.) Schietto Sister has an interesting parenting . . . it's not a dilemma or a problem really, it's just a situation. And since I am not known for my patience with unintentionally undermining people, (and there's that whole child-free thing!) I have no good advice for her. So parents? Go on over there and show her the love that is the Blogosphere. Spanks so much.
TGIFriday!!!! Woo-hoo!
EDITED TO ADD: I forgot something: In the interest of full disclosure, I feel compelled to ask you this question: Guess who spilled a full glass of red wine all over the couch last weekend? That would be me. Perhaps sippy cups are in order after all.
Hey, I love your blog! I'll be back.
Dale: I feel your pain. 45 minutes of CLEANING?!?!?! Ugh.
Annie! Welcome, and right back at ya! Your template is super-groovy cool!
I once spilled freshly made caramel sauce all over my kitchen floor. And I confess that instead of trying to wipe up the sticky mess, I called the dog.
And I feel for you on the creepy search referrals. I get repeated hits for a term I never expected to be sexual, but is to some disturbed people.
I feel for you on the icky searches - I try to keep my blog pretty clean, and even so I get searches from people who are clearly thinking disturbed thoughts.
And, ew, SG? Maybe you can assign seating and put her in the back? Or burn incense during class?
I like your blog. I am a teacher in Kuwait, where even uttering the word 'sex' takes guts. The notion of actually teaching it, is, to say the least, ludicrous. This is a country which, because of Islamic convention, pictures of hanged men or decapitated corpses may be printed on the front page of the newspapers, but not a kiss. Truly bizarre. Your writing is evocative and humorous. I will return.
Hi Boojam. I'll bet you'll bring a really interesting perspective. Thanks for stopping by.
Oooh, can't wait to hear more about SG!
And hey, email me before you go shopping for sippy cups. What I've learned the hard way about sippy cup styles and brands could fill an entire issue of Consumer Reports. Alas.
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