Sex Ed in Higher Ed

College instructor teaching human sexuality rants about the dumbing down of America, the lost art of manners, grammar and (the perfect combination of both) the thank you note. Also includes random rants about life, pet peeves, and sometimes raves about favorite things.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Okay, it's not ALL bad

Okay, so it's not all functionally illiterate Christian fundamentalists:

Dear Ms. Teacher,

I just wanted to let you know that I read a few of the books you recommended over break. I read Linda Lovelace's autobiography (very excellent, and made me want to see Deepthroat) as well as And the Band Played On (informative and quite beneficial to Dr. so-and-so's class). I will be attempting to read a few more throughout the semester, and please keep me informed of any other readings you might come across.

I am writing to ask if I may set up a meeting with you at some point this semester to discuss the possibility of changing my major to human sexuality. Ultimately, I feel that fashion design will be an empty and unfulfilling career path for me; while I love the concept, it is difficult for me to tolerate some aspects of the industry. I have done a bit of research and found out that the career possibilities include sex therapy, sex research, and sex education. I would like to discuss other options that you may be knowledgeable of, as well as any other pertinent information that you would be willing to give.

Please let me know at your earliest available convenience when you will be available for consultation. Thank you very much in advance for your time and efforts concerning this matter. I look forward to hearing from you.

Nicely McNicerton


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