Sex Ed in Higher Ed

College instructor teaching human sexuality rants about the dumbing down of America, the lost art of manners, grammar and (the perfect combination of both) the thank you note. Also includes random rants about life, pet peeves, and sometimes raves about favorite things.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

A New Day in America

I haven't addressed this yet, because I needed some time to savor the moment.

Since early last week, I have become distinctly aware of a perceptible shift in the universe.

The sky seems bluer, the sun shines brighter and I've even noticed a spring in my step.

We've been waiting so long and now our day is finally here. It's what we've dreamed of and now, we can smile and say proudly,

Britney dumped K-Fed on his sorry (white trash) ass!

It is a new day in America!!!



Blogger Moobs said...

I'm setting my Britney Spears third wedding countdown clock. How long do you think I should put on the clock?

November 13, 2006 5:11 PM  

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